Chris Wilson

  • How I effectively read online content

    Back a hundred years ago there were four options for reading interesting content. Buy a (good) newspaper, buy a magazine or journal, buy a book or borrow a book from a library. The internet changed that. Now we have instant access to the entirety of human knowledge instantly. But how do we find the most…

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  • Social Media Success for Every Brand Book Summary

    Recently I read the book Social Media Success for Every Brand, a social media marketing-specific guide from Claire Diaz-Ortiz. This book is basically the social media part of Building a Storybrand. In fact, Claire wrote it in conjunction with Donald Miller and the whole Storybrand team. My motivation was simple: my company is struggling with…

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  • How to Start Sketchnoting today

    I struggled to start sketchnoting. Although I caught the idea immediately putting pen to paper felt overwhelming. I don’t want you to suffer the same issue, so here is a simple guide on how to start sketchnoting today. This could be a useful classroom activity to introduce sketchnotes to students. First, some sketchnote basics Just…

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  • How I read 3x more books this year

    Growing up, I struggled with reading. As someone diagnosed with Dyslexia, that is hardly surprising. Last year I set my self a modest goal to read more books. My target was a book every month for 2019. I did it, so I decided to set a more ambitious reading goal. Read two books every month…

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  • Create on demand: The Accidental Creative Book Summary

    The Accidental Creative is a book by Todd Henry who runs a website of the same name. It covers the challenges of creative work, what causes those challenges, and five practices to help avoid those issues. I have written this The Accidental Creative Book summary to help distil my understanding and key lessons from the…

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  • The Best Way to Save Twitter Threads to Evernote

    Recently, I found myself wanting to save a tweet storm to Evernote but I wasn’t sure how. Would the standard web clipper produce the results that I wanted? Or should I use a different service first to get a simplified view. After some investigation, I came upon the best way to save twitter threads to…

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