• Sketchnote throughout the learning process

    When I first came across sketchnoting, I knew it made sense fo education and teaching. The idea of “better notes” that helped students retain information better seemed like a no-brainer. However, sketchnoting was born from conferences and most modern teaching methodologies don’t treat learning like listening to a lecture and taking note. Instead learning takes…

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  • Sketchnote Weekly Food Plan

    Every weekend my wife and I sit down and plan the food for the upcoming week. It’s an important but also fun little ritual that is more beneficial than just working out what we need to buy, it’s also about making sure we know what we both have going on during the week. We make…

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  • 30 Sketchnote ideas you in 2018

    This year I’ve set myself a challenge to try and sketchnote at least one thing each day. This is a great way to develop a skill (in this case sketchnoting) as practicing leads to improving (yes, this is an over simplification but if you want to get better at something, you need to do it!…

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  • What Are Sketchnotes? (and Why Should You Use Them)

    Sketchnotes is a term invented by Mike Rohde. He found his traditional note taking methods didn’t work at conferences. He tried to capture everything in written words but it was stressful, he remembered little afterwards and he never revisited his notes. So he tried sketchnoting, where he set some creative constraints to help him focus…

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  • You shouldn’t “Just Sketchnote” in the Classroom.

    One of the ideas that I think I’ve picked up on in sketchnoting circles is that teachers should just “start sketchnoting” in their classroom. I’ll admit that this might be my misinterpretation of what people say (sometimes we read into things what we want to hear) but I felt like this has come up in…

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