Chris Wilson

  • The Benefits of Sketchnoting: 5 Reasons you should give it ago

    What if you could remember more, and have more fun doing so? That’s exactly the benefits of sketchnoting summed up in one sentence. Sketchnotes are a fun and creative way to take notes and record information that help you remember more even if you actually record less. But there’s more to them than just that.…

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  • 4 Hand Lettering Books Sketchnoters Will Love

    Organising, arranging and representing text is a real art. Hand lettering is probably its most common name, but as with many things, some people call it other things and there aren’t clear dividing lines. Regardless of its correct name, this skill can be Hand lettering can be a useful skill for Sketchnoters. After all, the…

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  • 5 Famous Quotes Turned into Sketchnotes

    One of the activities I occasionally like doing is making sketchnotes of quotes. It’s a creative exercise that can be quick or more prolonged and is a great way to find and share inspiration. A couple of weeks back, the community, an indie social network, had a challenge to share a quote everyday of…

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  • Why you don’t have to draw well to sketchnote

    It took me a long time from first coming across sketchnoting until I started doing what I would call “sketchnoting”. The main reason for that will probably resonate with most of you. It’s because I “couldn’t draw”. I still don’t think I can draw well and I’m not sure that I’m much better at drawing,…

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  • 4 Simple Ways to Add Shadows in Procreate

    Adding Shadows to your icons really helps to make your sketchnotes stand out. But what is the best way to add that extra depth? Today we’ll briefly look at three different ideas that you can experiment with in procreate. Hatching Hatching comes from traditional drawing and is the process of using lines at different distances…

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