Chris Wilson

  • Sketchnote Layouts: The Ultimate Guide

    My biggest obstacle to sketchnoting was arranging information. For a long time, I stayed making “Sketchnotes lite” where I had text (with occasional colour) broken up by the odd image. Discovering sketchnote layouts changed all that. Suddenly the shackles were off and my notes radically shifted. This may not be the case for you; there…

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  • Ego is the Enemy Book Summary [Sketchnote]

    Sometime last year I was caught in a conflict at work. I thought I was right and my manager was wrong. My justification was rooted in the training I had completed and the other project successes that had come as a result. I believed I knew what I was doing, while my manager had to…

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  • Sketchnotes vs Mindmaps: What’s the difference?

    In many fields of life, there are terms that can be confusing. Sketchnoting is no exception. There are related ideas that emerged independently that seem to be talking about the same thing. Today we’ll look at two of those ideas. Sketchnotes vs Mindmaps. Here’s a quick summary answer. Some sketchnotes are also mindmaps, but not…

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  • 7 Easy Sketchnoting on iPad Tips

    I’m a real fan of both analog and digital sketchnoting but recently, I’ve found myself doing sketchnotes on the iPad more. So here are some iPad sketchnoting tips that can help you improve your digital sketchnotes. Many of these will work for other tablets. 1. Find an app that works for you There are loads…

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